9 items found

Groups: Transportdata Access Rights: public Formats: XML

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  • Dataset Route planning for cars

    Gives a travelling route between two points, with the possibility to add detour points. Contact NPRA ( ruteplan at vegvesen.no ) for access to...
  • Dataset National Road Database

    Information about roads (public, private, and forest roads), and equipment and events related to roads, such as accidents, amount of traffic, road signs, lights, avanlanches,...
  • Dataset Traffic information ( DATEX-format)

    Contains publications for road weather data, travel times, webcamera and road traffic data. The datasett is available in Datex version 3.1 format. The available Datex version...
  • Dataset Road network and regulations in NVDB

    This publication covers all static data about the road network of Norway such as road reference, hight restrictions, road width, bridges and tunnels. In addition it covers...
  • Dataset Mobility services in NVDB

    This publication contains datasets covering ferry, sidewalks, public transport hubs, picnic and services areas, bicycle parking areas, etc
  • Dataset Static traffic information in NVDB

    This publication contains datasets covering static and variable message signs, toll boths, road markings and regulations, diversion routes etc.
  • Dataset Road weather data

    The publication contains meteorological measurements from road weather stations along the national - and county road network. All road weather stations are co-located with CCTV...
  • Dataset Road traffic information

    The publication contains information about situations occurred on the road network in Norway in addition to measures taken. This can e.g. be information about road works, road...
  • Dataset Travel times

    The travel time publication contains information about travel times between to defined measure points. The publication is updated every 5 seconds and covers the main roads...
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